Host a Drive in your community... |
Due to the sheer number of service members and their family members we serve, we are dependent on the efforts, collections and drives of individuals and community groups to have enough donations on hand.
We could really use your help! |
Help Us Collect Needed Items... |
Here are just a few ways you can raise awareness and collect needed items for our programs:
- Host a bake sale or lemonade stand... and buy wish list items with the proceeds.
- Help run a grocery store drive... these are very successful for our Operation Rack Pack and Baby Shower needs.
- Challenge your community... challenge your school or community to "fill" a van (see the pics above), collect the most of an item (classroom challenges), etc.
- Make a rewarding promise for a successful drive... have your principal kiss a pig, your boss take the day off, or treat your troop to ice cream.
- Give incentives to those who give... let all employees have a "jean day" if they give, give your students a "free dress day", or parking priority to biggest donors.
- Throw a party and ask your guests to bring small donations... in lieu of host/hostess gifts.
- Coins for Cuties... collect loose change and use the proceeds to help us buy fresh fruit for returning military.
- Organize a rummage or community yard sale... give the proceeds to be used for your favorite project and get rid of your junk and the same time. (One man's trash is another man's treasure, after all!)
- Host an employee "match" drive... give your employees a week to collect items or donate and at the end of the week, announce totals of what's been given and vow to "match" what they've given as a corporate donation.
- Turn unwanted habits into blessings with a "penalty jar"... whether its not picking up laundry, a small annoyance at home or a bad habit that is effecting the work environment, one fun way to raise awareness of the problem is a "penalty jar." When your rules are broken, they pay a token (coins). Donate your collection to OHH!
- "Biggest Loser" Challenge... challenge your family or your co-workers to get fit. Offer to donate a dollar for every pound they lose.