Sign Up To "Adopt" a New or Expecting Mommy with a Spouse Deployed and/or Expecting Families in Crisis Our OHH Baby Program hosts baby showers for units during deployment. Our mission is to celebrate, pamper and unite military spouses expecting or caring for newborns during deployment. Each mommy who attends our showers receives a baby gift basket, game prizes, a lunch, diapers, wipes, and a large raffle prize.
YOU can sign up to "adopt" mommies in attendance in several ways:
You can donate a baby basket specifically for an assigned mommy (or mommies). We give you their names, genders if known and any information they've shared about colors, themes and needs. We'll give you a baby basket wish list to use.
You can donate a large raffle prize for a special mommy. We'll provide you with a list of the most requested items on the shower registry.
You can donate online and we'll do the shopping for you!
You or your business can sponsor the food provided to the mommies at the shower.
You can donate a gift card (s) to be given to mommies at the shower.
If you sign up for mommy sponsorship alerts, we will also alert you if we are helping a new or expecting military family in crisis if you say you're interested on your form.
If you sign up for these action alerts, we consider you part of our OHH Baby Team and you also get priority for volunteer slots!